Or, slackers please step up and submit your sketches to "The Shapetionary"!
Contributed by: The Quipping Queen & Empress of Eccentricity, need you ask more.
Contributed by: The Quipping Queen & Empress of Eccentricity, need you ask more.
2007 is destined to be a dandy year...especially if you're a golden pig (according to Chinese astrology).
For those who do not fall into the category of swish swine, perhaps you would care to try your hand at doodling, drawing, or the next best thing, pencil pushing.
It seems that the folks in "God's Country" (Ontario), and Toronto (hogtown) in particular, are seeking contributions from the hoi polloi to a unique project entitled, The Shapetionary".
Those who are intimidated by the thought of connecting the dots, painting by numbers, or technical rendering will be relieved to know, these skills are not required. Bashful book worms are encouraged to consider coming out of the closet with a drawing instrument in hand. Ability to read and comprehend the meaning of random nouns in the English language would be an asset, as each "artiste", (and 1,200 - 1,500 are needed), will be asked to illustrate one word.
Those interested in contributing to this anatomically-correct art project being organized by Toronto artist Mary Flood of Terminus 1525 online studio, please email velvetbicycle@hotmail.com and you will be sent a short list of words to graphically grind out (along with complete instructions).
Good luck all you grammarian-impaired and graphically-challenged gurus!
Labels: doodlers wanted, Terminus 1525, the Shapetionary
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