Or, if fools rush in where angels fear to tread, then where do they usually hang their hat when they're not falling in love or parting with their money?
By Theolonius McTavish, a jest-in-time news junkie, who spends far too much time seeking pots of gold at the end of rainbows, kissing blinking blarney stones without too much luck, and commiserating over the lack of four-leaf clovers in his field of dreams!
Well, April Fools' Day is drawing near. While "every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day and wisdom consists of not exceeding that limit", April 1st is one day when we can truthfully say that the sky is the limit for playing the fool!
So, what better occasion than now to find out just where all those Canadian class-clowns and comics call home.
A quick glance at a Mirth Map of Canada suggests there may be a whole lot of tomfoolery going on in the following places:
- Chin or Community Punch Bowl (Alberta)
- Loos or Ta Ta Creek (British Columbia)
- Button or Finger (Manitoba)
- Dipper Harbour or Five Fingers (New Brunswick)
- Cow's Lick or Leading Tickles West (Newfoundland & Labrador)
- Thumb's Island (Northwest Territories)
- Dingwall or Ecum Secum (Nova Scotia)
- Belcher Islands or Zebra Mountain (Nunavut)
- Funnybone Lake or Punkeydoodles Corners (Ontario)
- Oyster Bed Bridge or Uigg (Prince Edward Island)
- Baie des Ha! Ha! or Funny Lake (Quebec)
- Limerick or Smuts (Saskatchewan)
- Snafu Creek and Snag (Yukon Territories)
On second thought, maybe it's a good idea to stay far away from a "fool's paradise". And if you're not sure where that it is, just follow Will Roger's advice - it's the spot where "everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects."
And don't forget to join the rest of the foolish food for thought folks in Victoria, BC on April Fools' Day at Ogden Point Cafe (near the Breakwater)!
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